I made ..

Japan Map Quiz

Japan map quiz web-app built with Javascript and Flask for server

Animedoro Timer

Animedoro (modified Pomodoro) timer web-app build with Flask and JavaScript.

Sort Visualizer

Created a web app using React framework to visualize sorting algorithms such as merge sort, quick sort, selection sort, insertion sort and bubble sort.


Designed and co-wrote the website to help young students learn about hackathons and how to code from websites.

RNA Chain

Created a single page application with C++ program that constructs all the possible original RNA chains from given fragments.

What Skill I Have


JavaScript HTML CSS


Python NodeJS ExpressJS jQuery C++ Ruby on Rails


Heroku PostgreSQL MangoDB


Data Analyst/Python Developer

Bloomberg L.P. , Tokyo
Dec 2017 - July 2020

Full Stack Web Developer

CUNY Tech Prep, NY
June 2017 - Dec 2020

I am full of eagerness and curiosity,

passionate about learning new things!

Interested? Contact Me ☻

Risa Toyoshima